Thursday, January 27, 2011

Harvest Box

It has been a while since I've come across something that totally 'Wow' - ed me.

So there I was at my work desk doing the work thing which included looking at my not-so-work-related personal email accounts. As usual I came across the usual spam. Yet one of them had this thing called "Harvest Box - A healthy assortment of snacks personalised to your taste & delivered to your desk." It caught my eye before I ticked the box for deletion. Snacks? Personalised? Delivered to your desk? Well I wanted all of those! So I clicked on the link for Harvest Box.

The site looked cool. It came across as a legitimate healthy, fun, Australian website. And hey, they had this awesome deal whereby my first order is FREE, my second order is HALF PRICE (being $3.47) and then the third goes back to full price but is only $6.95 and that includes postage. I was like "Well, I spend around $6.95 on snacks a week anyways... may as well make it a healthy $6.95," so I signed up.

Immediately after signing I was concerned that I may have fallen for some fake deal. But today, a week later, the office clerk came to my desk and handed me a package. I was surprised "What? A package for me?"

A package delivered to my desk!

As soon as I saw the package, I knew what it was. I just didn't expect it as when I had signed up it said my first order would be delivered next week. I realised that it meant that my first paid order would be next week, and this was the free one. Quietly grinning from excitement I opened the package with the office clerk watching in curiosity. I told her it was my free box of snacks and she looked at me slightly confused, "Snacks?"

Healthy Snacks delivered to my desk!

Opening the package was really fun. It revealed a colourful treasure chest of goodies which I had to examine to see what was chosen for this special free box. It had mixes with dried mango, coconut and macadamia nuts, almonds, seeds and a whole lot more. I was definitely happy with this box. Especially since it came around 10.30am which was my morning tea time. I ate one mix and I was quite full despite initially thinking that the small serving wouldn't be enough! I can't wait for my next delivery!

So what is this really all about?

Snacks - Personalised - Delivered to your desk

Harvest Box ships its packages of happy healthy snacks Australia wide to your office desk. It is definitely for people who need a bit of variety, want to lay off the office cookies and who enjoy receiving packages besides the work related ones.

Harvest Box has over 50 different mixed of dried fruit, nuts and seeds. When they say personalised, Harvest Box provides you with a package containing 4 mixes. After you have received your package you then visit the website and rate whether the mixes deserve a 'No thanks,' 'Try Me,' 'Like It,' or a 'Yes Please.' (To be honest I don't know the difference between the 'Like It' and a 'Yes Please'). After rating your mixes Harvest box will take it into consideration the next time they select your mixes.

Signing up and getting your first box free!

  1. Go to
  2. Have a look around the site to get a jist of what it is all about. But to sign up go to 'Start Here' at the top menu bar.
  3. You will then have to select the day you would like package to be delivered.
  4. You then will need to fill in your personal details including place for delivery.
  5. Then your payment details are required. The cool thing about this is that you can cancel your orders at any time!
  6. For your first delivery to be FREE and then your second one to be half price type in this promotion code: 28691VFZ51
  7. Wait for your box to be delivered to your desk.

Happy snacking!!!!!!!!!!!!